2. Love's Legacy

Nov 11, 2018    Dr. Larry Greene

Often when called upon to conduct a funeral of a godly follower of Jesus, I remark that the deceased has preached his/her own funeral. I just add a few words to it. In reality, all of us are preaching our own funerals every day. What will be the lasting legacy of your life? You are building your legacy one day at a time. The context of today's passage is abiding or remaining (John 15:1-11). Jesus told His disciples that to "love one another" will bring abiding or lasting results. The command, "love one another," begins and ends the passage (verses 12, 17). In between these bookends are three long-lasting legacies of love.

1. Love's legacy is __________ for others, vv 13-14.

2. Love's legacy is __________ with God, v. 15.

3. Love's legacy is __________ through prayer, v. 16.


John 15:12-17

Romans 5:10

1 John 3:16-18

Genesis 4:1

Philippians 3:8

James 2:23

Genesis 18:17

Ephesians 2:10

When we model and mentor in these abiding legacies of love, love's legacy will be our legacy.