3. Love's Obligation

Nov 18, 2018    Dr. Larry Greene

We have already discovered that Jesus commanded us to love one another because that is the brand of a believer (John 13:34-35) and it is the foundation of a spiritual legacy (John 15:12-17). So why is it so hard to love others? Part of the difficulty lies in confusing love with emotions rather than volition. Love is not a feeling to be experienced; it is a choice to be made.

In the third occurrence of "love one another" in the New Testament, the Apostle Paul placed the command in the context of paying taxes (Romans 13:6-7) and paying bills (13:8). None of us "love" to do either of those things, but they are our obligations. So is love.

1. Love is a __________ we all owe, v. 8

2. Love is a __________ we all makes, vv. 9-10


Matthew 5:42

Luke 6:35

Proverbs 2:27

Deuteronomy 23:19-20

Deuteronomy 24:10-11

Romans 5:8

John 1:12

"Love one another" is not an option. It's an obligation.