6. Love's Ministry

Dec 9, 2018    Dr. Larry Greene

Love in action is a powerful force. Perhaps that is the reason that the New Testament exhorts us to "love one another" 14 times! Up to now, we have been seeing what love is. Today's text describes for us what love does. Love is seen in action. There are three key actions of an earnest love:

1. An active love __________, v. 8.

2. An active love __________, v. 9.

3. An active love __________, vv. 10-11a.

What motivates this kind of love? Two powerful truths motivate such powerful love. One begins the passage; one ends it.

1. The __________ of Christ, v. 7.

2. The __________ of God, v. 11b.


1 Peter 4:7-11

Matthew 18:15-17

Matthew 18:21-22

Romans 16:3-5

1 Corinthians 16:19

Romans 12:9

Matthew 5:16