6. Shine As Lights In The World

Mar 3, 2019    Dr. Larry Greene

Christ’s humility expressed in His service and sacrifice is the personality of Christ that will bring real joy. That truth was explained magnificently in one of the greatest passages in all the New Testament — Philippians 2:5-11. The service and sacrifice of Christ extends through the remainder of the chapter. “Therefore” (2:12) brings the thought into our passage. The example of Paul’s service (2:16b) and sacrifice (2:17) concludes it. Along the way we learn how a Christlike attitude impacts our work and witness.
• A Christlike attitude impacts our Christian work, vv. 12-13.
• A Christlike attitude impacts our Christian witness, vv. 14-18.

4 qualities of a shining witness:

Positive outlook, v. 14
Distinctive lifestyle, v. 15
Lifegiving message, v. 16
Joyful sacrifice, vv. 17-18

The only way one can be joyful in view of his/her impending death is to be certain of eternal life on the other side. Are you?