8. The Foundation of Life's Purpose

Mar 17, 2019    Dr. Larry Greene    Priorities for Life of Joy

Seventeen years ago Rick Warren wrote a book that took the Christian world by storm. The Purpose Driven Life helped guide people to answer one of the big questions of life. “What on earth am I here for?”

Nearly 2,000 years ago the Apostle Paul wrote a little book to the church at Philippi that addressed the same question. In chapter three of Philippians he wrote that real joy comes by discovering your purpose in Christ. Verses 1-11 reveal the foundation of life’s purpose — knowing Jesus.

The Reminder of Joy, vv. 1-3
The Robbers of Joy, vv. 4-6
The Reality of Joy, vv. 7-11

Can you say, “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord”? If so, you have discovered the secret of real joy! If not, we'd be glad to help you take your next step in Christ.