Live The Story
When we trust in Christ to forgive our sins, that isn't the end of our story. As Christians, our faith isn't just something we have, but it's something we get to live! Even when life is difficult, unfair, confusing, and just plain awful, we can cast our cares on Christ because He cares for us. He is with us. He has a plan for us. The bad thing in your life isn't who you are but it's something that has taken place. Know who you are in Christ. If you've trusted in Jesus as Savior, you are God's child, His heir, forgiven, etc. Seek to learn more about Him. Spend time with Him in prayer. Don't read your wish list to God, but really spend time in communion with Him. Submit to His lordship, his control of your life. God is not your co-pilot. He's in charge. Rely on Him.
When life is beating you up, do you run to God or away from Him? Do you give people reason to ask about the hope you have in Christ, even in the tough times? Do you live in such a way that Jesus is the hero of your story?