In God's Waiting Room

Jun 30, 2019    Dr. Larry Greene    Genesis 39:19-40:23

A prayer that pretty well sums up the mindset of our world is, “God give me patience, and I want it now!” We just don’t like to wait. However, the truth of the matter is, waiting is one of God’s most effective tools for shaping us into the image of Christ. When you are called into God’s waiting room you have two options. You can fuss, fret, and fume about why God is taking so long, or you can cooperate with His work and yield to His plan. So what do you do when you are spending time in God’s waiting room? It begins with the right attitude — Time spent waiting on God is never wasted. Joseph reflected this attitude in three ways:

There will be times of service in God’s waiting room, 39:19-40:7.

There will be times of witness in God’s waiting room, 40:8-13.

There will be times of disappointment in God’s waiting room, 40:14-23.

God is definitely not about waiting in one matter — salvation!