Doers of the Word: Rely on Prayer, Part 1

May 15, 2022    Dr. Larry Greene

Part 1: Dr. Eric Carter shares his testimony & Pastor Larry shares his final sermon in the "Doers of The Word" series in the morning service. Check out Part 2 for the rest!

We have been discovering what it means to be "Doers of the Word" from the book of James for the past three and a half months. Being a "doer of the Word" (James 1:22) aligns perfectly with our church's theme for the year: "Living by The Book."

No discussion of living by The Book would be complete without teaching on prayer. In the last section of James' book, he instructs that doers of the Word rely on prayer. There are three important truths about prayer in his closing words.

1. The call to prayer, vv. 13-16.
2. The example of prayer, vv. 17-18.
3. The action of prayer, vv. 19-20.