God Sent Forth His Son

Galatians 4:1-11

For many people, Christmas is just a time for family gatherings, decorations, and warm fuzzy feelings. For others who put a Biblical significance on it, it is remembering the Baby born in a manger. But the true meaning of Christmas is that the Father sent the Son to be our Savior. In the gospel of John alone, at least 38 times, Jesus referred to Himself as the One sent from the Father. In Galatians 4:4 the Scripture states again that “God sent forth His Son.”

There are four observations in verses 1-11 that relate to the Father sending the Son.

What you were, vv. 1-3.
What God did, vv. 4-5.
What you are, vv. 6-7.
Where you are going, vv. 8-11.

To move from paganism to Christ to legalism is not taking your next step in Christ. It is simply turning back into a different kind of bondage.