More Than A Manger

Dec 17, 2023    Dr. Larry Greene



For centuries, the promise teased humanity with its hope. It shone as a beacon of light in a sin-darkened world. Unnumbered centuries passed before Moses recorded it. Then, over 14 centuries crawled by until its fulfillment came. What was this promise? It was the promise as old as Eden: It was God’s promise in the aftermath of humanity’s fall into sin that the seed of the woman would crush the serpent’s head. In John 3:7-9, we learn it was a reason the Son of God appeared. Jesus appeared to destroy the devil’s work. This promise leads us to three places, each revealing a  member of the Trinity.


- The fulfillment of God’s promise leads us to understand the Father’s truth, vv. 7-8a.


- The fulfillment of God’s promise leads us to understand the Son’s work, v. 8b.


The fulfillment of God’s promise leads us to understand the Spirit’s indwelling, v. 9.


- Will you continue to believe the devil’s lies or the Father’s truth?

- Will you continue to live in the bondage of the fear of death or the freedom of eternal life in Christ?

- Will you continue to show the likeness of the old man of sin or the new birth of the Spirit?