Larry Greene
April 30, 2023
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


Acts 8:1-25

Jesus is the Lord of the church. As such He has intended for His church to be on the move. The first mention of the church in the Bible is Matthew 16:18. Notice in this verse Jesus declared that He would build His church and “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The gates of hell indicates that it is on the defensive and the church is on the offensive. The strategy outlined by Jesus for the church moving through enemy territory is given in Acts 1:8. This strategy is also an outline of the book of Acts:

Jerusalem — Chapters 1-7

Judea and Samaria — Chapters 8-12

The end of the Earth — Chapters 13-28  

For the church to be on the move means that Christians are on the move. Acts 8 gives four characteristics of mobile Christians.  

1. Mobile Christians seize the opportunity, vv. 1-4.

2. Mobile Christians encourage ministry, vv. 5-8.

3. Mobile Christians pursue unity, vv. 9-17.

4. Mobile Christians maintain integrity, vv. 18-25.