This season leading up to Christmas finds us living in troubling times. We face trillion-dollar deficits, worldwide recession, government bailouts of various institutions and industries, the moral fabric of our culture is coming apart at the seams, and people are losing their jobs, homes, and retirement savings.
It is remarkable that I began the Christmas series ten years ago with these same remarks! The point is, there will always be trying times. The first Christmas occurred in the middle of trying times. The responses of Mary and Joseph serve as good models for us during troubling times.
In today’s passage, we discover three actions Mary took to keep a God-focus during trying times.
First action: Surrender to His plan, vv. 26-38.
Second action: Encouragement from His people, vv. 39-45.
Third action: Worship of His Person, vv. 46-55.
When trying times come, it is easy and natural to turn inward. But, rather than turning inward, turn upward! Maintain a God-focus.