Larry Greene
August 9, 2020
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


Daniel 6:11-28
The Lions in Daniel's Den

Daniel chapter six contains one of the most familiar stories in all of the Bible. The courage and faith of Daniel has inspired believers for centuries. This event is inscribed as an example of faith in Hebrews 11:33. “. . .who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions ...” There are lessons about faith for all of us to learn in this chapter. Rather than calling this chapter “Daniel in the Lions Den,” I think it is better said, “The Lions in Daniel’s Den.”

The faith of a praying man, v. 10

  • Four qualities of a God-honoring prayer life. 

The faith in a powerful God, vv. 11-28

  • Daniel’s faith gave God the opportunity to set aside man’s plans, vv. 11-23
  • Daniel’s faith gave God the opportunity to show off His person, vv. 24-28  

“A believer who knows how to kneel in prayer has no problem standing in the strength of the Lord.” —Warren Wiersbe—