Larry Greene
March 27, 2022
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


James 3:13-18

Last week we saw that we get into trouble with our tongues, in large part, because the tongue is untamable (3:7-8). Since we cannot control our tongues, we must have wisdom in our hearts (3:13-18). Jesus said it well, “ . . . out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). Today’s passage is a fitting supplement to 3:1-12. What kind of wisdom do we let into our lives? The wisdom of the world, or the wisdom from above?
• We are called to godly wisdom, v. 13.
• We are warned about worldly wisdom, vv. 14-16.
• We are instructed about godly wisdom, vv. 17-18.
What is in your heart will eventually come out of your mouth. What are you allowing in your heart?