Larry Greene
July 1, 2018
Larry Greene
Pastor Emeritus


1 Corinthians 14:1-25

Often the real struggle we may have as a Christian is not the choice between good and evil. We may make the wrong choice, but we know it instantly. Far more subtle is the struggle to choose the better over the good and the best over the better. If we keep choosing something good instead of something better, the good has become the enemy of the better.

In 1 Corinthians 14, the church in Corinth faced the dilemma of choosing something good (speaking in tongues) rather than something better (the gift of prophecy). Our verses today emphasize the priorities in spiritual ministry. Next week, we discover the practice of spiritual ministry.

Sermon Notes:

1. Choose the better way to build up, vv. 1-19.

2. Choose the better way to reach out, vv. 20-25.


1 Corinthians 14:1-25

Isaiah 28:10-12

Don't let a good thing become the enemy of something better.