Civil rights, voting rights, reproductive rights, right to life, right to work, right to assemble, right of free speech, and so on. Our society is caught up in knowing and claiming our rights. This is definitely not a bad thing for the most part, but this "rights" mentality filters into our thinking as Christians. The question we need to ask ourselves is not, "What rights should I claim?" but rather, "What rights should I give up?"
In addressing the Corinthian's questions about meat offered in sacrifice to pagan idols, Paul established the principle in chapter eight that love limits liberty. In chapter nine, he uses himself as an example of yielding one's rights away. By this, he is reminding the believers that he is not asking them to do something he has not already done.
The rights he could have claimed, vv. 1-12a
The reasons he did not claim, vv. 12b-18
1 Corinthians 9:1-18
Acts 1:22
Galatians 2:7-8
1 Timothy 5:17-18
2 Corinthians 11:10-12
Think about the last time you got upset at another Christian or at church. Did it boil down to a right you believe was violated? How would the situation have been different if you had yielded right away?